Friday, May 21, 2010

Sold My Soul to MAC!


This is my very first BLOG and I'm so excited! I'm kind of nervous! I've been contemplating a blog for some time now, just need to do it instead of just thinking about it! A few of my friends have blogs and their wit and writing abilities have always astounded me, a little intimidating to say the least. But I'm going to forego the possible criticism and plunge into the world of blog! Disclaimer: I am not here as a literary genius or spelling/grammer queen!

This all began when I discovered MakeupAlley, the cosmetic "swap" site. What I've always wished for, since my house is littered with makeup, lotion, hair products. I'm always wanting to try the next new "thing", so needless to say I've accumulated many products just for the sake of ownership. I've always wondered if on some magical planet, does there exist a central location where one could trade unwanted/unused products? To describe it in simple terms, you make a list of items you are willing to swap and match it up with other members' lists. I have had the opportunity of getting rid of products I spent too much money on (don't read this part, DH!), as well as, been given the chance to obtain cosmetics not available in my area or just too expensive for me to try out. Ulta was my second home for years, as anything you purchase can be returned for full refund with your receipt within 90 days. I found it very easy to say, "I'll go ahead and dish out $$$$$ as I can always return it." Everything has it's extremes, right? I was spending enough money there every month to qualify for the highest "award" every 3 months. Based on how much you spend every quarter, you are awarded points to apply to products in the store. Several quarters were like Christmas to me, as I had my choice of $45 toward any designer fragrance. My friends would look at me like I was a little crazy for spending so much money on something I wash down the drain every day. Co-workers may have reported me to either Hoarders Anonymous or some other group for shopaholics. I did mysteriously recieve monthly newsletters from OCD Anonymous. The girls were always so excited to see what I bought on my lunch break, though. Like I would blow the money they were thinking about blowing and save them from a binge. Well, I'm glad I could be of assistance, dear friends. Once I found MakeupAlley, I could swap something I didn't like or return in time for a refund, for something else I'd been drooling over. MUA is very similar to Ebay, as far as their feedback system. Once you've completed a successful swap, each sender leaves the other a "token" as a positive transaction detail to show future swappers they are trustworthy. It was here where I lucked into the online world of makeup tutorials, blogs and blog sales, which to any of you who are consumed by makeup, is very exciting. I guess you could consider me an "eye" personality, the "eye" wants what the "eye" sees, or something like that. I was taught that years ago, when I attempted to sell Mary Kay cosmetics(a story in itself!). When cosmetic counters see people like me, "oohing" and "ahhing" over a quarter-sized pot of colored powder, they know all they have to do is suggest I need it and my credit card magically appears in their hands! I'm that easy! is loaded with makeup guru's like AllThatGlitters21, Nikkie Tutorials, and MakeupGeekTV. They are my idols! They post tutorials showing their latest "hauls" of new products, techniques and newest looks. Some of them have a designated room in their home just for uploaded videos with expensive cameras and lights. Panacea81 has become sort of a Cinderella story, starting with her tutorials with poor lighting and her dog snoring in the background, to launching her own makeup line with Sephora and releasing a book. The inspiration alone should be enough to get me off my butt and out of my shell. I went as far as creating a YouTube account ready to upload some type of video like a tutorial or just a introduction to put myself out there. But no, after 2 years of scouring the video gurus and 1000's of hours applying makeup, the fear of being on the internet for all to see still freaks me out. Just like everyone else, I can't handle critics or haters. But beginning today, I'm going to face my fears and dive into sharing my love of all things pretty with whomever might be watching.
Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am SO EXCITED about your blog!!! And I'm flattered that you linked to me. ;) I LOVE cosmetics and new products but never let myself buy them. Ever since junior high, you've always had the newest stuff - hair products, lotions, makeup, etc. - so I think this blog is so perfectly you. I had no idea all those videos/makeup blogs were out there. Can't wait to live vicariously, learn and just see what's going on with you. I hope you post regularly! :)
